Formula 1 Drivers as Athletes: The Biopsychological Perspective

First published 2022

The question of whether Formula 1 drivers can be classified as athletes has been a subject of debate for many years. On one side of the argument, some assert that Formula 1 drivers are not athletes in the traditional sense, as they do not rely on physical strength or endurance to the same extent as athletes in sports like soccer or basketball. However, when we delve into the biopsychological aspects of Formula 1 racing, particularly the role of adrenaline and the nervous system, it becomes clear that these individuals possess athletic qualities that are unique and demanding in their own right.

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, plays a crucial role in the world of Formula 1 racing. It is a hormone and neurotransmitter released by the adrenal glands in response to stress or excitement, commonly known as the “fight or flight” response. A Formula 1 race subjects the body of a Formula 1 driver to an incredibly high-stress situation. In comparison to an athlete using a stationary bike, a racing driver releases twice the amount of adrenaline and noradrenaline per minute. This continuous stress, if experienced by individuals who are not accustomed to it, can result in a decline in visual acuity and fine motor skills. In extreme cases, it can even lead to hallucinations and a loss of precise control over the steering wheel. However, professional racers cannot afford to make any mistakes or experience setbacks, as there is a constant risk of harming themselves or others. Consequently, they must maintain a high level of concentration throughout the entire race. Just as the body needs to be in peak condition, the mental resilience of a Formula 1 driver is also crucial.

The surge of adrenaline that drivers experience throughout a Formula 1 race has several biopsychological implications that highlight the athletic nature of their profession. Firstly, adrenaline enhances focus and concentration. Formula 1 drivers must make split-second decisions, navigate through challenging terrain, and maintain precise control of their vehicles at speeds exceeding 200 miles per hour. The heightened alertness and sharpened mental faculties required in these situations mirror the cognitive demands placed on athletes in other sports.

Secondly, adrenaline contributes to physical performance. One of the most significant challenges for a race car driver is the physical exertion required to withstand gravitational forces (g-loads). To illustrate, the combined weight of a driver’s head and race helmet is approximately 6.4 kg. During intense braking, the axial force applied to the head and helmet totals around 259 N, a force that is countered by the muscles in the neck and upper torso, which work against the bending of the neck. Additionally, when cornering and braking, drivers employ a technique known as an anti-g straining manoeuvre, originally developed by fighter pilots. This manoeuvre involves tensing the muscles of the trunk and possibly holding one’s breath. Its purpose is to stabilise the body’s posture, protect the abdominal organs, and maintain cerebral blood flow, albeit at the cost of increased muscular effort.

While Formula 1 drivers may not engage in prolonged physical exertion, they must withstand these significant gravitational forces during sharp turns and rapid accelerations. The G-forces experienced can strain the neck and core muscles, demanding physical conditioning and endurance. Moreover, the extreme heat inside the cockpit can lead to dehydration and physical fatigue, further emphasising the athletic nature of their profession. Working muscles produce higher levels of oxidants. Bjugstad and colleagues demonstrated that racing activities lead to oxidative alterations in athletes who are drivers, causing a shift in the redox potential of mixed venous blood toward a more oxidised state. This reaction was linked to the antioxidant capacity that drivers possessed before the race. Drivers with greater antioxidant capacities and those who supplemented their diets with vitamins experienced less disruption in their redox status.

Race cars produce vibrations originating from various sources, including the rotation of drivetrain components, wheel-and-brake assemblies, interactions between tires and the road surface, flexing of aerodynamic surfaces, and harmonics generated by the chassis, engine, and other parts. These vibrations have several effects on drivers. They also trigger responses related to oxidative stress. In driver athletes, circulating markers of oxidative stress are among the earliest biochemical signs of vibration-induced health issues in humans. These markers involve changes in the serum activities of enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, which selectively break down superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. Studies on the mechanisms reveal that selective vibration of a single body part has widespread effects on the body’s redox balance. Elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been recorded in the skin of the vibrated body part, arterial walls, and sensory receptors, with these responses being sensitive to the frequency of vibration. Vibration of a body part also induces oxidative stress in distant tissues, including the dorsal root ganglia that serve that body part and the heart. Adaptation to these vibrational forces is suggested by alterations in mRNA levels for enzymes like nNOS and antioxidant enzymes in the heart, eNOS, oxidative stress-related genes in the prostate, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in various tissues.

The nervous system of Formula 1 drivers is another area that underscores their athletic prowess. Their ability to process sensory information, react swiftly, and maintain composure under extreme stress is a testament to the intricate workings of the nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system, responsible for regulating involuntary bodily functions, is constantly challenged during a race. Drivers must manage their heart rate, respiration, and muscle tension to maintain control and endurance. The demanding nature of Formula 1 circuits allows no respite for drivers to take deep breaths between manoeuvres. Within the course of a race, their heart rate reaches a staggering 180 to 210 beats per minute. This extraordinary mental stress experienced inside the racing car, the constant need to maintain focus, coupled with the intense physical strain from acceleration and centrifugal forces, along with the excessive heat, push a Formula 1 driver’s heart rate to levels that approach the limits of endurance sports. A single moment of inattention or weakness could have serious consequences, impacting not only the drivers themselves but also their fellow competitors, the audience, and the equipment.

On average, the well-conditioned hearts of Formula 1 drivers typically maintain a rate of 140 to 170 beats per minute throughout the entirety of a race. This achievement is particularly remarkable when considering that races can last up to 2 hours, and the high heart rate is sustained throughout the entire duration. This conscious control over their physiological responses demonstrates the athleticism required in Formula 1 racing. Furthermore, the neural pathways in a Formula 1 driver’s brain undergo extensive training and adaptation. They memorise complex race tracks, anticipate competitors’ movements, and coordinate intricate sequences of movements with precision. This neurological expertise is comparable to the mental acuity demanded by athletes in sports such as gymnastics or figure skating.

In conclusion, Formula 1 drivers may not fit the traditional mould of athletes, but a biopsychological analysis reveals that they possess remarkable athletic qualities. The role of adrenaline in enhancing focus and physical performance, coupled with the intricate demands on the nervous system, demonstrates that Formula 1 drivers are elite athletes in their own right. Their profession combines mental and physical abilities, making them a unique and exceptional category of athletes. Formula 1 racing showcases that athleticism extends beyond traditional boundaries, encompassing a broad spectrum of physical and mental capabilities.
