Nutrition and Medicine: Partners in Health

First published 2024

The interplay between diet and health has been the subject of scientific scrutiny for decades, revealing a complex relationship that influences the onset, progression, and management of various diseases. Epidemiological evidence has established that nutritional habits have a profound impact on the prevention and mitigation of chronic diseases. However, this relationship has nuances that merit a deeper understanding, particularly when considering the role of medical treatments. The hypothesis that diet alone cannot address every aspect of disease management suggests that while nutrition provides a critical foundation for good health, it is not a panacea. Medicine, with its targeted and specialised interventions, often becomes indispensable in the face of acute conditions, specific biological dysfunctions, and severe pathologies. This analysis explores the intricate balance between dietary management and medical treatment, delineating their distinct and complementary roles in maintaining health and treating disease.

The correlation between dietary patterns and the incidence of chronic diseases is evident from epidemiological studies that have consistently shown a decrease in disease risk associated with diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. For example, dietary fibre found in these foods is known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving lipid profiles and lowering blood pressure. Moreover, the consumption of a diverse array of plant-based foods contributes a plethora of antioxidants that mitigate oxidative stress, a factor implicated in the onset and progression of a multitude of chronic conditions including type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Further extending the role of diet in disease prevention is the impact of specific nutrient intake on metabolic health. The consumption of unsaturated fats over saturated fats has been linked to better lipid profiles, a factor that is crucial in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Similarly, diets low in added sugars and refined carbohydrates are pivotal in maintaining glycaemic control, which is of paramount importance for the prevention and management of diabetes. This management is crucial as it influences not just the disease trajectory, but also the risk of developing other comorbid conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and kidney disease.

Moreover, the preventive potential of a balanced diet extends to bone health and the functioning of the nervous system. An adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is well recognised for its role in maintaining bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. At the same time, omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseeds, are essential for cognitive function and have been associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases. These nutrients, among others, are integral to maintaining the structural and functional integrity of vital body systems over the long term.

Additionally, a balanced diet supports the body’s immune function. A robust immune system is capable of warding off potential pathogens and reducing the frequency and severity of some infectious diseases. For instance, zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E have immune-boosting properties and are essential for the maintenance of a healthy immune response. The convergence of these dietary benefits underscores the extensive influence that a balanced and nutrient-rich diet can have on reducing the risk and severity of chronic, lifestyle-related diseases, by ensuring the optimal performance of the body’s systems and defence mechanisms.

However, the protective effect of a nutritious diet has its bounds, especially when it comes to the body’s confrontation with virulent infectious agents. The body’s natural defences, while potent, are not always sufficient to overcome all pathogens. The immune system can be overwhelmed or evaded by certain microbes, leading to the need for additional support. In these cases, medical intervention becomes necessary. For instance, bacterial infections that bypass the initial immune defences require targeted pharmacological treatment. Antibiotics serve as powerful tools in this regard, with the capability to specifically target and inhibit the growth of bacteria, offering a remedy that no dietary measure could provide.

Antiviral medications provide another layer of defence, offering a means to treat viral infections that the body’s immune response, despite being supported by optimal nutrition, may not effectively control. Viruses such as HIV or the influenza virus replicate within the host’s cells, often eluding and even exploiting the host’s immune mechanisms. Antiviral drugs have been engineered to disrupt these viruses’ replication processes, halting the progression of the disease. While a well-supported immune system is an asset, it is not infallible, and the advent of pharmacological interventions has been essential in managing diseases that would otherwise be uncontrollable.

Thus, while nutrition lays the foundation for a responsive and vigilant immune system, there are instances where the capabilities of the immune system, despite being nutritionally supported, are surpassed by the ingenuity of microbial pathogens. It is in these instances that medicine steps in to provide the necessary armament to combat disease effectively. Antibiotics, antivirals, and other medical treatments become indispensable allies in the fight against infectious diseases, complementing, rather than replacing, the benefits of a nutritious diet.

In the realm of acute medical conditions, such as myocardial infarction or appendicitis, the immediate risk to health is beyond the reparative scope of nutrition. For example, in the event of a heart attack, timely intervention with medications that dissolve clots or surgeries like angioplasty are essential to restore blood flow and prevent tissue death. No dietary strategy can substitute for the urgent medical procedures required to address such life-threatening conditions. The critical nature of these interventions is highlighted by the swift and targeted action needed to prevent mortality or irreversible damage.

Furthermore, surgical interventions play a decisive role in the management of conditions like organ failure or severe injury, where dietary support serves only as an adjunct to medical treatment. In cases of organ transplants or reparative surgeries after trauma, the role of nutrition is confined to preoperative preparation and postoperative recovery, enhancing the body’s healing capacity but not replacing the necessity of the surgical procedure itself. The precision with which surgeries are conducted to remove malignancies or repair damaged structures is a testament to the indispensability of operative medicine.

Diet certainly plays a crucial role in managing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, where the regulation of blood sugar levels is key. Nutritional strategies can help manage the condition, yet for many individuals, this alone is not enough to maintain glycaemic control. Medical interventions come into play, complementing dietary efforts with pharmacological actions that directly affect insulin sensitivity and secretion. These interventions are tailored to address the intricate biological mechanisms underlying the disease, thereby achieving a level of therapeutic control that diet alone cannot provide. The cooperation between diet and medication in diabetes management exemplifies the integrated approach needed for optimal disease control.

This integration of diet and medicine extends beyond diabetes into other areas of health, such as the management of hyperlipidaemia. While individuals are often counselled to adopt diets low in saturated fats and cholesterol to improve lipid profiles, this approach has limitations, especially for those with familial hypercholesterolemia or other genetically influenced conditions. Here, the precise action of medical treatments becomes vital. Statins, a class of medications that specifically inhibit the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, demonstrate how medical interventions can directly modify a disease pathway. These drugs can achieve reductions in LDL cholesterol to an extent that dietary changes alone may not accomplish, thereby providing a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.

The specific targeting of statins highlights the broader principle that certain health conditions necessitate intervention at a cellular or molecular level—a process that is beyond the scope of nutrition. Diet, while foundational to health, often lacks the mechanisms to interact at the specific sites of pathological processes. Medical treatments, on the other hand, are developed with a deep understanding of the complex biochemistry involved in disease states, allowing for interventions that are finely tuned to correct or mitigate these processes. Whether by altering enzyme activity, as with statins, or by replacing deficient hormones, as with insulin therapy, these treatments fill the gaps that diet alone cannot address.

The treatment of endocrine disorders, such as type 1 diabetes, further illustrates the limitations of diet and the necessity of medical intervention. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas fails to produce insulin, necessitating life-saving insulin therapy. No dietary adjustments can compensate for this lack of insulin production. The exogenous insulin provided via injections or pumps mimics the physiological hormone’s role in regulating blood glucose levels. In such cases, medicine provides a substitution therapy that diet cannot, which is essential for the survival of the patient.

Similarly, in the field of oncology, medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy are tailored to target and destroy cancer cells. These treatments are often the only recourse for patients with aggressive or advanced-stage cancers. Despite the recognised role of diet in cancer prevention and possibly in supporting the body during cancer treatment, specific dietary components cannot selectively target cancer cells in the same way that medical treatments can. Moreover, advanced therapies like immunotherapy have the capacity to enhance the immune system’s ability to fight cancer, a strategy that nutrition supports but is incapable of initiating on its own.

In cases of infectious diseases, particularly those caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the development of new pharmacological treatments is critical. While nutrition supports overall health and can enhance immune function, only medical treatments can directly combat the sophisticated mechanisms of resistance found in these pathogens. As an example, the development of new generations of antibiotics is a medical arms race against bacterial evolution that diet alone could never contend with. These instances clearly demonstrate that, while nutrition is a foundational aspect of health, medicine is an irreplaceable pillar in the treatment of various diseases, performing roles that diet simply cannot fulfil within the spectrum of comprehensive healthcare.

In conclusion, while the importance of a nutritious diet in maintaining health and preventing disease is undeniable, there are clear and defined boundaries to its capabilities. The role of medical treatments in addressing health issues that surpass the preventative and sometimes even the therapeutic reach of nutrition is unequivocal. Medicine offers precision, specificity, and the ability to intervene in acute and chronic conditions in ways that dietary modifications cannot. It serves as an essential component of the health care continuum, particularly in situations where the body’s natural processes require assistance beyond nutritional support. Through this lens, comprehensive health care must be viewed as a multidisciplinary approach, where dietary strategies are integrated with medical interventions to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients. Acknowledging and using the strengths of both diet and medicine ensures a robust and responsive system capable of addressing the multifaceted nature of human health.

The Ethics of Gene Therapy

First published 2021; revised 2022

Gene therapy carries significant risks, including temporary effects, potential impacts on future generations, and even the most severe outcome, which is the loss of lives. Given the substantial risks involved in each case, numerous ethical dilemmas arise regarding the use of gene therapy. Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of this sensitive subject can be challenging. For instance, as illustrated in Sean B. Carroll’s chapter titled “Genes as Medicine,” the effects of gene therapy may not pose significant threats to smaller animals like mice; however, humans, being larger mammals, could experience more substantial adverse effects. Furthermore, the intricate nature of gene therapy may surpass the current level of technological advancement. Moreover, gene therapy comes with notable risks such as the potential for targeting incorrect cells, virus-induced infections, and unwanted immune system responses.

Gene therapy sparks controversy due to the significant differences between animals and humans. While experiments involving animal subjects are conducted, there is a substantial risk of adverse outcomes when applied to human subjects. A poignant example of this is seen in the chapter “Genes as Medicine,” where Jesse Gelsinger, aged 18, volunteered for a gene therapy trial aimed at treating a condition resulting from “mutations in the gene encoding the enzyme ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC)” (Genes as Medicine, pp. 71-72). Tragically, just 12 hours after receiving the highest virus dosage, he fell into a coma and passed away within hours. At that time, there was a tendency to downplay the risks while emphasising the potential benefits of gene therapy. Additionally, there was a failure to transparently report the setbacks encountered during laboratory experiments.

In the aftermath of Gelsinger’s tragic death, Bennett and her colleagues proceeded cautiously in their gene therapy work. They transitioned from using adenovirus to adeno-associated virus (AAV) for transferring the necessary genes into patients. Subsequently, they embarked on an experiment involving sheepdogs to address vision issues. Their successful progress through Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III trials with dogs led to a similar procedure being performed on an 8-year-old boy. Once again, the results from Phase I to III showed success, culminating in the formal approval of gene therapy for LCA2 by the US FDA (Genes as Medicine, p. 76).

Ethical concerns surrounding gene therapy often revolve around the concept of germ-line gene therapy, which is considerably more technically challenging than somatic cell therapy. This complexity gives rise to numerous ethical and social dilemmas associated with this type of gene therapy. One set of issues pertains to the potential destruction of pre-embryos or gametes during in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. When a disease is detected at the gamete or pre-embryo stage, the ethical question arises: why would one choose to implant a defective pre-embryo or gamete? This dilemma underscores the ethical considerations involved.

Furthermore, germ-line gene therapy can be employed for two main purposes: addressing the inheritance of genetic disorders or altering fundamental human traits, as outlined in the National Institutes of Health’s Genetics Home Reference. Given that the individuals who would be affected by these therapies are not yet born, it becomes imperative to grapple with profound ethical questions concerning the application of such gene therapies.

Another ethical concern relates to the cost of gene therapy, which tends to be expensive. This cost barrier may disproportionately grant access to wealthier individuals, exacerbating the socioeconomic divide among people and limiting accessibility to all potential “consumers.”

A significant ethical concern regarding germ-line gene therapy revolves around its potential impact on future generations. While conventional medical interventions carry inherent risks for individuals, germ-line gene therapy introduces risks that extend beyond the immediate generation. Additionally, it’s worth noting that “deleterious consequences may not become manifest in the first generation,” which can compound issues over subsequent generations. Given that germ-line gene therapy has far-reaching consequences beyond the individual, ongoing ethical debates seek to establish the ethical framework for this type of gene therapy.

It appears therefore that gene therapy is a subject of intense debate due to its capacity for adverse effects. Furthermore, if gene therapy were to become legalised and reach a state of “perfection,” there is the risk that it might be used to create individuals who conform to a certain ideal rather than primarily focusing on curing or mitigating inherited diseases. This science has the potential for misuse and requires careful consideration. Additionally, there is a need for further research before human trials can proceed, given the significant risks involved, including the possibility of death.

Germ-line gene therapy raises more ethical complexities than somatic cell therapy and likely warrants deeper investigation before definitive decisions can be made. Its impact on sperm cells and eggs also underscores its potential long-term consequences for future generations, which can present societal challenges.
